My solar powered website

This notebook (aka 'blog') is powered by free solar energy!

I was (and am) inspired to start writing again by reading this excellent article by 'LOW←TECH MAGAZINE'. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

Tech stack: Navitas 100W Solar Panel, Exide solar charge controller (10A), Exide Solar Blitz 40AH battery, 200W 20A DC-DC CC CV Buck module (Robu), Cuzor Mini Pro RouterUPS (12V), LM2596S DC-DC 24V/12V to 5V 5A Step Down USB module, Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

Photos of components involved (for reference):

5V USB Buck Module

200W CC CV Buck Module

Cuzor UPS 12V

Boot settings:

zion:~$ cat /boot/usercfg.txt
# Disable the ACT LED on the Pi Zero.
# Automatically load overlays for detected cameras
# Automatically load overlays for detected DSI displays
# underclock

We will see how this stack fares during the rainy monsoon season of Pune later this year.

Update: This setup will soon be housed in a Plantex 1U DVR case.

Solar Setup Case

Update (Late-March, 2025): I moved to a different solar charge contoller and Cuzor 9V UPS. Also, the DC-DC buck converter now outputs 9V for the Cuzor 9V UPS.

New Solar Charge Controller

New 9V UPS